The above top-view sketch of the distribution area at Chargheri can help provide you with a mental image of the location to you, in case you have not already visited this place with us. [Click on the image for a larger view]
Now we will try to show you the exact location of this point in the map of Sunderbans.
You may have noticed a snapshot of a map extract of Sunderbans on our main page which shows our action area in Satjelia.
Satjelia is a big island with a number of villages and village panchayats, and we cover only a part of the Lahiripur gram (village) panchayat for our distribution. A village panchayat consists of many hamlets and is generally named after one of them. Santigachi, Parashmoni and Bidhan Colony are such hamlets, as is Lahiripur itself; but the locals refer to the hamlets as 'villages' and so do we. Chargheri is actually a mouza (part of Lahiripur panchayat), consisting of a few other such hamlets.
I tried to find the distribution spot on Google maps with the help of Wikimapia and here's the best result that I could find. We have asked Dipankar for a river map that will help identify the route to Chargheri with more clarity. But we reckon that entire yellow coloured area in the link (as we see it today) is the Satjelia island. The administrative structure of the area has more than one gram panchayats. There is a Satjelia gram panchayat as well. That panchayat presumably covers the top of that island (North part). Our action area is the South eastern part of Satjelia island area, which is part of Lahiripur gram panchayat.
I took a screenshot of that area and tried to highlight the exact location where we distribute at Chargheri. As you see in that screenshot, the probable exact location is under a piece of cloud that obstructed the satellite picture!!
The river on the east (right side) of distribution point is Ganral River, the same river you see in almost all pictures of us arriving at Chargheri or departing from there.
Satjelia is a big island with a number of villages and village panchayats, and we cover only a part of the Lahiripur gram (village) panchayat for our distribution. A village panchayat consists of many hamlets and is generally named after one of them. Santigachi, Parashmoni and Bidhan Colony are such hamlets, as is Lahiripur itself; but the locals refer to the hamlets as 'villages' and so do we. Chargheri is actually a mouza (part of Lahiripur panchayat), consisting of a few other such hamlets.
I tried to find the distribution spot on Google maps with the help of Wikimapia and here's the best result that I could find. We have asked Dipankar for a river map that will help identify the route to Chargheri with more clarity. But we reckon that entire yellow coloured area in the link (as we see it today) is the Satjelia island. The administrative structure of the area has more than one gram panchayats. There is a Satjelia gram panchayat as well. That panchayat presumably covers the top of that island (North part). Our action area is the South eastern part of Satjelia island area, which is part of Lahiripur gram panchayat.
I took a screenshot of that area and tried to highlight the exact location where we distribute at Chargheri. As you see in that screenshot, the probable exact location is under a piece of cloud that obstructed the satellite picture!!
The river on the east (right side) of distribution point is Ganral River, the same river you see in almost all pictures of us arriving at Chargheri or departing from there.
UPDATE: This pic from the 6th trip shows the above distribution area along with the central shed as well as the 2 queues on either side [pic taken looking east from western side of temporary ditch]. We are beginning to depend a lot on Debajyoti da's pix to share information more effectively with you.
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